1:1 Women's Immersions are an intimate and focused journey into body, earth & soul.

We curate a container of nourishment, connection & presence to steward you through the life transitions you may be experiencing.

In this container, we immerse ourselves in the wild; the inner and outer wild landscapes of the soul and this earth. Sessions weave a variety of earth elements, soul guidance, playfulness, integrative practices & resources for you to create and cultivate a ceremony that honors & resonates with you in this moment.

Sessions are held in various locations & created to meet your needs.



The Second Phase of a Rites of Passage | The Meeting Place

The THRESHOLD is the meeting place of our SOUL. Where we step into the unknown and out of the familiar ways of being.

Where our SOUL has called us to the void; in-between worlds, to be reborn. Where we surrender ourselves energetically & symbolically to die.

Like a snake shedding the skin it has outgrown... like a caterpillar enveloping itself in the cocoon... in this phase we must dissolve into goo, crack open our hearts, release what does not hold our truth and trust we will be born anew.

What in you is ready to die? What wants to be birthed? What must you lay to rest in order to fully be reborn?


The First Phase of a Rites of Passage | The Time to Die

SEVERANCE is the first step in a rite of passage, ceremony or major life transition. It is often the most difficult part of the journey. We must leave something behind in order to step into the unknown... to follow and embody our SOULS calling.

This process can mean removing ourselves physically from a place, shedding an identity or old patterns, letting go of a relationship, or laying to rest a dream or way of being. In SEVERANCE we prepare ourselves energetically and symbolically to die.

Our own fears and fears of others arise, obligations and responsibilities try to hijack our path. Excuses, doubts, ego and expectations do their best to keep us in the confines of our “known” reality.

Questions like... “Why am I doing this?” “Who will I become?” “Am I ready to give up this part of myself?” Sink us deeper into our raw truth, self realization and inquiry.

Acknowledging and embracing what is dying within us or something that has already died... we are able to embody our true essence, create space for fertile soil within so we may navigate and make way for the ever unfolding transformation of our lives.

Your Guide and Ally

Hello dear ones, my name is Hannah. I have devoted my life path to the Earth and holding space for people like you to find belonging and true expression within their bodies and of the elements on this planet.

I was born and raised in Kentucky, also known as "meadow lands"; home to the Chickasaw, Cherokee and Shawnee tribes.

For the last 9 years I have called New Mexico home. I believe my soul was called here to die, be broken open and reborn, again and again. It is on these tribal lands and surrounding areas that I have studied and communed with mentors, spirit guides, the dreamtime, the wild elements and ancient ancestors to help support, inspire and embody the offerings which have been birthed from me. Through their guidance, deep listening, exploration of my inner and outer landscapes and my own participation in Fasting Ceremonies and Communion with Plant Medicines, I have the privilege to weave aspects from traditional ceremonies with other earth-based and embodiment practices which resonate to the way I walk in the world. I am honored to share these ways with you!

With Wild Love,
